2024 Graduation Ceremony - Friday 13 December 2024
We are pleased to announce that the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2024 will be held at the Cité Nantes Events Center on the afternoon of Friday 13 December.
Graduates of the class of 2024 will be invited to attend accompanied by up to two guests.
NB: Degree certificates will NOT be distributed at the graduation ceremony on Friday 13 December. They will be available for dispatch in the first half of 2025. Learn more about how to collect your degree certificate here.
Register for the ceremony
Follow this link: https://www.centraliens-nantes.org/fr/event/ceremonie-de-diplomation-2024-vendredi-13-decembre-2024
Students of the Class of 2023 who graduated after the 2023 graduation Board of Examiners are invited to the 2024 ceremony. When registering on the form, make sure you indicate "graduate of the class of 2023".
- Ceremony programme*
* programme subject to to modification, notably with regard to timing of speeches and the hour of closure
1.15: Welcome to graduates and their guests
- Foyer 2000 doors open
- Cloakrooms open
1.15: Sign in for graduates
- Foyer 2000: invitation checks and sign-in for graduates
1.30 - 2.00 pm: Seating
Auditorium 2000:
- graduates seated in the dress circle by study programme / specialisation
- guests seated in the stalls
2.00 pm: ceremony begins
- Introductory words from Jean-Baptiste AVRILLIER, Director of Centrale Nantes, and the Class Patron
- Graduates are called up onto stage by programme (order subject to change)
- PhD
- Masters
- Bachelors
- Double degree (France and International)
- ITII degree apprenticeship
- Engineering Programme (by final year specialisation)
(time t.b.a): class photo
- Class photo on stage for all graduates
(time t.b.a): drinks reception
Graduates, their guests, faculty and staff are invited to a drinks reception marking the conclusion of the ceremony - Foyer 2000
- Graduate registration for the ceremony
IMPORTANT: ONLY 2024 GRADUATES can reserve seats for themselves and their guest(s).
- Each graduating student wishing to attend the ceremony must register on the Centrale Nantes Alumni (CNA) platform*
- Each graduating student may be accompanied by up to 2 guests.
- After registration, you will receive a confirmation email that you are required to present upon arrival at the Cité Nantes Congress Center.
* NB To register via the CNA platform, you must first have activated your account (see "Étudiant et diplômés - accéder à votre compte) and be logged in. Access to the form is free of charge and does not require CNA membership. If you have problems logging in, please send an e-mail to alumnid22ac164-14e9-404c-9a51-e2b4adc04c88@ec-nantes.fr
- Seating
Graduates are grouped by study programme and/or specialisation in the dress circle:
- 'IMPAIR' DRESS CIRCLE: PhD - masters - OUTGOING double degree and mobility in France: engineer-manager, engineer-architect, Groupe des écoles Centrale, INSTN; OUTGOING double degree and mobility abroad.
- 'PAIR' DRESS CIRCLE: Degree apprenticeship programme in partnership with with ITII engineers (MÉCA, BTP and SEC) - engineering programme by final-year specialisation. NB: INCOMING manager-engineers, architects-engineers, GEC mobility entrants, fasttrack and international double degree by final-year specialisation.
Families and guests of the 2024 graduates will be seated in the stalls (first rows reserved for teachers, VIPs and alumni from previous years).
NB Please take your seats quickly so as not to delay the start of the ceremony.
- Instructions for graduates on stage
- You will be called backstage as a group
- Backstage, you will be placed in alphabetical order and are expected to wait in SILENCE
- When your name is called, you will enter the stage (left/garden side).
- One or more representatives of the teaching staff will hand you your ‘diploma tube’. Be careful not to stand with your back to the audience for the photographer.
- Move to the platform at the back of the stage.
- The photographer will take a photo of the group.
- The student or students who have been asked to give a talk, come forward to the lectern at centre stage to give their speech.
- The whole group leaves the stage quickly (on the right/courtyard side).
You will then be taken back to your seat with the other graduates (in silence).
PLEASE DO NOT HANG AROUND IN THE PASSAGEWAYS, CORRIDORS OR FOYER 2000. Another event is taking place in the main gallery, so please take care not to disrupt it.
To ensure that the ceremony runs smoothly, we would ask everyone to respect these instructions. - Information regarding the Board of Examiners Graduation Board for the Engineering Programme
The Board of Examiners Graduation Board for the Engineering Programme will meet on 8 October 2024. We urge you to check your graduation requirements on OnBoard so that you can make the necessary arrangements in good time. As you know, the end of the academic year is 30/09/2024. If you do not meet meet all the graduation requirements by this date, you will have to re-enrol and pay the corresponding fees.
Reminder as to the graduation requirements for the Engineering Programme:
- Languages (certificate to be sent to Mme PARC, Anne-Isabelle.Parc@ec-nantes.fr)
- Work experience in a company (the number of weeks varies according to the year in which the internship was carried out)
- International (experience abroad + submission of SERSE report. The requirement is validated by the International Relations Department)
- Double-Degree (a document attesting to your successful completion of the partner university's degree must be submitted on OnBoard)
Outcome of the Graduation Board- To access your results and any relevant decisions, connect to OnBoard:
- in the "ma scolarité" section under "décision de jury', for your final year results
- in the "Groupe", section for the graduation decision. If you have graduated, you can download your certificate of achievement in the "mes documents administratifs" tab.
- For students whose status reads "en attente de diplôme", the diploma requirements that have not been met, as of 8 Obtober 2024, are also available on OnBoard in the "ma scolarité" section, under "Conditions de diplôme".
- In accordance with the Board of Governors deliberations on 6 October 2022, students who have already met all the diploma requirements (except DD) and only these students, have until 30/11/2024, at the latest, to upload their supporting documents to OnBoard, to validate their mobility and/or their double-degree without having to re-enrol.
- The remaining students not covered by this decision will have to re-enrol for the 2024-2025 academic year (a non-enrolled student cannot be awarded a degree) and pay the corresponding fees.
The Board of Examiner's meeting record is available for consultation on request at Student Affairs, upon presentation of an identity card or passport only. The information given on OnBoard is identical to that on the paper report.
If you disagree with the decision taken by the jury, you can submit either an informal appeal to the chair of the Board of Examiners (by email to direction.formation@ec-nantes.fr) or a formal appeal to the local Administrative Court.
Informal appeals must be lodged within one month of notification of the decision.
Formal appeals must be lodged within two months of the notification of the final decision. - How to collect your degree certificate
Degree certificates will not be distributed at the graduation ceremony on Friday 13 December. They will be available for dispatch in the first half of 2025.
Please refer to the detailed instructions to collect your certificate after the ceremony: Degree certificates